Sunday, November 25, 2012


1. This week’s conversation – ““Leadership”

2. The next conversation –  ‘Showcase of Student Speakers”

3. Last week’s conversation – ““Behind the Scenes in the 2012 Election Campaign”

4. Upcoming conversations
This Week
1. The Touro Communication Club #175 
    Tuesday, November 27, 2012 – 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Room 316 – Midtown

During the recent Presidential campaign, the topic of “Leadership” was thrown about by both sides. “My opponent showed no leadership etc.”
Charges were made. Were they true? Was it a horse of a different color?`

The American Dream tells us that we can be anything we want. What does that mean? Becoming a Leader? Is that an empty promise?

Or have we bought an illusion, a mirage?

Supposedly our college education prepares us for leadership. Does it?

Does having a title or a degree automatically make us a leader?

Maybe “Followership” is better than “Leadership.”

During this conversation, we will try to define “Leadership.”

Is leadership a positive concept? Should we aspire to leading?

Why would we want to be leaders? More money?  Prestige? Being famous?

Being on TV? Making a difference? And so many more issues.

Put on your thinking cap and turn the mirror on yourself as we ask “What is Leadership?”

After the election, this conversation should be really interesting!
Bring your friends!!

Next Week

2. The Touro Communication Club #176
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 – 2:00 – 4:00 pmRoom 316 – Midtown
“Showcase of
Student Speakers”
Featured Speakers include:

Ms. Karen Peralta, Class of 2016

“Marine Boot Camp isn’t a Bad Place”

Ms. Denise Rodriguez, Class of 2014

“My First Time in America”

Ms. Joslyn Williams, Class of 2014

“Should the U.S. Legalize Marijuana?”

Joslyn Williams Class of 2014, has put together this first showcase. In her new capacity as president of the Communication Action Team, Joslyn has gathered a number of students who are willing to take the major leap of speaking in front of a friendly group.  We hope this will be the first of many student programs.

Some of these speakers will have taken a Communication course. Others are presenting their talk as a personal challenge. All of these speakers are speaking about a topic that is important to them

Public speaking is an important skill to practice as often as possible. And now Joslyn has provided a brand-new option for Touro students to polish these skills.

Cheer these students as they practice

an important leadership skill!

Bring a friend!


3.  The Touro Communication Club #174 
                          Tuesday, November 20, 2012 – 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Room 316 – Midtown

“Behind the Scenes of
the 2012 Election Campaign”

Most of us know about elections from what we see in the media.
Virtually everything we know about elections is filtered through the eyes of someone else.

through the eyes of talking heads, Facebook and Twitter, TV advertisements, candidate visits on

The View, Jay Leno, David Letterman and The Daily Show.

Rarely do we get a chance to get glimpse from behind the scenes, in the trenches.

 Working on a political campaign is an opportunity for students to learn about

how our democratic process works.

Today we will ask these questions and try to find some answers.

 Is it as glamorous as it seems on television?

Is it exciting? Or boring? If it’s boring why do you do it?

Can you make money working on a political campaign?

Do you have to support the candidate to work for him/her?

What can you learn from working on a political campaign to apply to your daily life?

And on and on and on.

Join us!

This one promises to be an exciting conversation!

Be prepared to ask questions!

Oh, yes! Bring your friends!

New faces included Ira Weinstock and Michael Celler, Familiar faces included Yoko Ono McCullock, Joslyn Williams, Karen Peralta, Sabrina Bryant, Roland Iguina, Michael Moronta, Steven Gradman and Hal Wicke
UPComing Conversations

Topics “Political Speech” “Right & Wrong,” “Equality,” “Free Speech,” ‘’Literacy” “Binary Thinking,” “What is Reality?” “Turning off Your Mental Editor” “Confidence,” “Needing approval,” “What is ‘Work?' “Getting Your Life Together,” “Work and Work Ethic” ”Dealing with Disrespect,”

How To Series – How to Study, “The Cost of Money,

Current EventsAn occasional review

Communication Skills – Reading Literature, Interviewing, Elevator speeches, etc.

Communication Strategies – “Getting to YES,” “Shooting from the Lip,”

Films – “RECOUNT” Replay, “The Great Debaters,” “Wag the Dog,” Emmy Winning “Game Change.”(Available January 2013)

Faculty Showcases – Colloquy III - Professor Yearwood on Jane Austen ”Persuasion”

Student Showcases – Liana Perez, ‘14 on “Nutrition and School”

Student Clubs – T.B.A.

Plus your suggestions!

Hal Wicke 

Monday, November 19, 2012

1. This week’s conversation – “Behind the Scenes in the 2012 Election Campaign””
2. The next conversation –  ‘Showcase of Student Speakers”
3. Last week’s conversation – “Election Debriefing”
4. Upcoming conversations
This Week

1. The Touro Communication Club #174
   Tuesday, November 20, 2012 – 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Room 314 – Midtown

“Behind the Scenes of
the 2012 Election Campaign”

Most of us know about elections from what we see in the media.
Virtually everything we know about elections is filtered through the eyes of someone else.
through the eyes of talking heads, Facebook and Twitter, TV advertisements, candidate visits on
The View, Jay Leno, David Letterman and The Daily Show.

Rarely do we get a chance to get glimpse from behind the scenes, in the trenches.
 Working on a political campaign is an opportunity for students to learn about
how our democratic process works.

Today we will ask these questions and try to find some answers.
 Is it as glamorous as it seems on television?
Is it exciting? Or boring? If it’s boring why do you do it?
Can you make money working on a political campaign?
Do you have to support the candidate to work for him/her?
What can you learn from working on a political campaign to apply to your daily life?
And on and on and on.

Join us!
This one promises to be an exciting conversation!
Be prepared to ask questions!
Oh, yes! Bring your friends!
Next Week

2. The Touro Communication Club #175
    Tuesday, November 27, 2012 – 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Room 314 – Midtown 

“Showcase of
Student Speakers” 

Joslyn Williams Class of 2014, has put together this first showcase. In her new capacity as president of the Communication Action Team, Joslyn has gathered a number of students who are willing to take the major leap of speaking in front of a friendly group.

Some of these speakers will have taken a Communication course. Others are presenting their talk as a personal challenge. All of these speakers are speaking about a topic that is important to them.

We will be there to applaud their efforts and offer support.

Public speaking is an important skill to practice as often as possible. And now Joslyn has provided a brand-new option for Touro students to polish these skills.

Cheer these students
as they practice
an important leadership skill!
Bring a friend!

3. The Touro Communication Club #17
Tuesday, November 14, 2012 – 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Room 314 – Midtown

“Election Debriefing”

Well, it’s over!

Several topics:

Personal, Rationale, Strategy,
Lessons Learned-for Next Time


What is your emotional response to the election outcome?
Share why you feel the way you do.
If the other candidate won, what would be your response? Why?


Why do you think (not believe) President Obama won?
Why do you think (not believe) Governor Romney lost?


What were the strengths and weaknesses of campaigns of each party?
Comments on the importance of the Electoral College.
Comments on the impact of the media.
Comments on the ground game of both candidates.

Lessons Learned for Next time

Emotional – Your reaction to “politics”
Analytical – What should each campaign do differently next time?
Strategic – How does this experience apply to your daily life?

This Election has so many possibilities to discuss. Let’s see where it goes.

Come! Bring a friend!
New faces: Alex Maurice and Sabrina Bryant. Familiar faces: Joslyn Williams, Karen Peralta, Anahy Antara, Lorinda Moore, Charles Mason, Michael Moronta, Orhsy Garcia, Carlisle Yearwood, Denise Rodriguez and Hal Wicke.
UPComing Conversations

Topics “Leadership,” “Political Speech” “Right & Wrong,” “Equality,” “Free Speech,” ‘’Literacy” “Binary Thinking,” “What is Reality?” “Turning off Your Mental Editor” “Confidence,” “Needing approval,” “What is ‘Work?' “Getting Your Life Together,” “Work and Work Ethic” ”Dealing with Disrespect,”

How To Series – How to Study, “The Cost of Money,

Current EventsAn occasional review

Communication Skills – Reading Literature, Interviewing, Elevator speeches, etc.

Communication Strategies – “Getting to YES,” “Shooting from the Lip,”

Films – “RECOUNT” Replay, “The Great Debaters,” “Wag the Dog,” Emmy Winning “Game Change.”(Available January 2013)

Faculty Showcases – Colloquy III - Professor Yearwood on Jane Austen ”Persuasion”

Student Showcases – Liana Perez, ‘14 on “Nutrition and School”

Student Clubs – T.B.A.

Plus your suggestions!

Hal Wicke 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

This Week

1. The Touro Communication Club #173
                     Tuesday, November 14, 2012 – 2:00 – 4:00 pm
                        Room 314 – Midtown
“Election Debriefing”
Well, it’s over!
Several topics:
Personal, Rationale, Strategy,
Lessons Learned-for Next Time
What is your emotional response to the election outcome?
Share why you feel the way you do.
If the other candidate won, what would be your response? Why?
Why do you think (not believe) President Obama won?
Why do you think (not believe) Governor Romney lost?
What were the strengths and weaknesses of campaigns of each party?
Comments on the importance of the Electoral College.
Comments on the impact of the media.
Comments on the ground game of both candidates.
Lessons Learned for Next time
Emotional – Your reaction to “politics”
Analytical – What should each campaign do differently next time?
Strategic – How does this experience apply to your daily life?
This Election has so many possibilities to discuss. Let’s see where it goes.
Come! Bring a friend!
Next Week
2. The Touro Communication Club #174
                          Tuesday, November 20, 2012 – 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Room 314 – Midtown 

“Behind the Scenes of

the 2012 Election Campaign”
Most of us know about elections from what we see in the media.
Virtually everything we know about elections is filtered through the eyes of someone else.
through the eyes of talking heads, Facebook and Twitter, TV advertisements, candidate visits on
The View, Jay Leno, David Letterman and The Daily Show.
Rarely do we get a chance to get glimpse from behind the scenes, in the trenches.
 Working on a political campaign is an opportunity for students to learn about
how our democratic process works.
Today we will ask these questions and try to find some answers.
 Is it as glamorous as it seems on television?
Is it exciting? Or boring? If it’s boring why do you do it?
Can you make money working on a political campaign?
Do you have to support the candidate to work for him/her?
What can you learn from working on a political campaign to apply to your daily life?
And on and on and on.
Join us!
This one promises to be an exciting conversation!
Be prepared to ask questions!
Oh, yes! Bring your friends!
3. The Touro Communication Club #171
                            Tuesday, October 23, 2012 – 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Room 314 – Midtown
This discussion replaced the showing of RECOUNT which was not available at the time. It will be shown later.
Presidential Election Preview”
Seven Days until the big day!
This Presidential Election horse race seems to see-saw back and forth.
If you follow the polls, one day Obama is ahead, the next day Romney is ahead.
The last debate is now over.
The Al Smith dinner when the two Obama and Romney took humorous pot shots at
each other is history.
Charges of voter fraud and voter suppression are flying about.
Will there be an “October Surprise?”
We now start counting the projected vote margins in swing states.
Strategists are scrutinizing the uniquely American Electoral College.
The pundits are saying that everyone has made up their minds.
The undecided voters – less than 10% are the focus of the media ads.
In these last days before the election, voter turnout is crucial.
Teams from both parties are knocking on doors in the swing states.
What is YOUR view? Which candidate is more attractive?
What will the deciding factors among the voters?
Bring a Friend!

This Is Another Conversation You Don’t Want To Miss!

All familiar faces participated today including Karen Peraltz, Joslyn Williams, Ian Smith, Anahy Antara, Roland Iguina, Steve Gradman,  Charaia Curry, Michael Moronta, Michael Mattocks, Denise Rodriguez, Carlisle Yearwood and Hal Wicke.
UPComing Conversations

Topics “Leadership,” “Political Speech” “Right & Wrong,” “Equality,” “Free Speech,” ‘’Literacy” “Binary Thinking,” “What is Reality?” “Turning off Your Mental Editor” “Confidence,” “Needing approval,” “What is ‘Work?' “Getting Your Life Together,” “Work Ethic” ”Dealing with Disrespect,”

How To Series – How to Study, “The Cost of Money,

Current EventsAn occasional review

Communication Skills – Reading Literature, Interviewing, Elevator speeches, etc.

Communication Strategies – “Getting to YES,” “Shooting from the Lip,”

Films – “RECOUNT” Replay, “The Great Debaters,” “Wag the Dog,” Emmy Winning “Game Change.”(Available January 2013)

Faculty Showcases – Colloquy III - Professor Yearwood on Jane Austen ”Persuasion”

Student Showcases – Liana Perez, ‘14 on “Nutrition and School”

Student Clubs – T.B.A.

Plus your suggestions!

Hal Wicke