Friday, October 12, 2007

Next Meetings

Our next meeting is Thursday, October 18 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 602 - at 50 West 23rd Street. Hal Wicke will be talking about the Presidential debate and techniques that politicians use in these events.

The 4th Speech contest is Wednesday, November 14 @ 2 pm in Room 314.

Read the notes taken by Hal Wicke for each of the meetings as found at the bottom of this blog.


Anonymous said...

The last meeting of the communication club was awsome! We had a debate where everyone took a part in and it was great. The communication club is growing and we would like for it to be even bigger. So come and be a part of it. It is a wonderful experience.

Anonymous said...

This club sounds really interesting. I have always enjoyed a good debate. Too bad my schedule does not leave time for fun like this, but I will look in on your site from time to time to read on about your experiences.